Friday, May 11, 2012

Lots of updates recently...

A lot of changes have happened recently. As you know we made the home page more like a true metro style app with the article links directly on it. Also, the breaking news page was modified yesterday night to make it more usable and readable for everyone.

Speed has considerably improved by moving most of the infrastructure to Windows Azure. Also, we are using the azure cache to drive the articles to the site, thereby reducing the database hits by the application. This has significantly improved the application performance.

Article ranking has been improved because we consider article clicks from our twitter links as well now. So, if someone likes an article, it will improve its ranking.

There was some problem with the azure caching code which made it slow, so I have fixed that because I know lots of users are going back because the site is slow. I want it to be very fast and I have realized, that it will happen only if I cache properly.