Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Challenge Ahead

You would have noticed that in the past few weeks we have updated our interface significantly so to improve the user experience on touch enabled devices, for different form factors. For those of you who are new to this platform, all these changes are for readers who come into our site, don't register and simply want to browse the news.

This quickly gets old, because as we have mentioned earlier, you end up seeing the same old articles if you visit us frequently enough. For such users, we want to remind you that, you can register with us and obtain a feed url which you can put inside Google Reader or many of the applications like Flipboard, Reeder, Pulse, etc. This is the better way to do it because the feed always shows unread articles, so you don't have to click through pages of read articles to see unread ones.

The real challenge for us now is to provide this experience to end users without their having to register with us. Any Tom, Dick or Harry should be able to just come to our site and be able to always read fresh articles without having to go through read content.

This is the next challenge for us, and we are preparing to solve this problem soon.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

More updates to the site

I made more updates to the site basically to improve subtle problems in the news reader page and making it easier to read.

I have to mention, I watched the apple memorial for Steve Jobs in the apple campus on and shed many tears today morning. It was very emotional and heart touching. Also, very inspiring to hear "The Crazy Ones" in Steve's voice. It gave real soul to that ad.

His life is such an inspiration, and makes me reach for the best I can do. 

Friday, November 11, 2011

More updates to the site

Thankfully, we got some time to improve the more important areas of the site. Firstly, the home page was too garish for my taste, so even though, we did use the windows 8 colors at first, I moved to something more like what Jonathan Ive would like. It is a work in progress, and it will improve even more in the future. I have had some issues with how difficult it was t move forward from pages like the breaking news and the newspaper like reader page. Now, that is possible, so you are no longer stuck with 20 articles o read. I know the categories page lives in the past. That will change as soon a I figure out how exactly to change it. The news reader page does not look good al the time, that will be updated too. We are working on something game changing. A totally different product, but in my leisure time, I will continue to work on this site until I feel proud and satisfied with it. That seems a long way off. :)