Friday, September 10, 2010

Why AT&T network congestion is not going to reduce with limited Internet sizes

I think AT&T network congestion was not really the point of the $15 and $25 data plans because most people would use around 400mb of data minimum if they used the 3G without trying hard to hog the bandwidth. I have tried as much as I could but even with Pandora, I could only use 376mb out of 2 gb. I think most people with these 2gb plans will stop using wifi at home and office so that they can get some benefit out of paying $25 a month.

The iPhone uses a lot of data. Why hog wifi bandwidth at home for that?

Really, in most countries of the world, the minimum iPhone plan is 400-500mb. This is because that is what you would use "reasonably". With the 200mb limit, I always have to worry about bandwidth and it takes all the fun away.

So, now I have turned off wifi at home and office, so I use as much of the 2gb as I can. Let me know see how much I an use maximum in a month. That will tell us how realistic 200mb really is.

We are going backward. Maybe when Verizon gets the iPhone we will get a better deal.

Did I tell you the poor sobs who are getting verizon phones now are all going to go out of date in a year?. That is because then we will have LTE.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lot of updates to Today American

While our UK subscriber base continues to grow, want to say that a lot of updates were posted to the site today.

Best one being the ability to send real time service updates to twitter so I can see what exactly is happening and do something about it.

Today American has 90% offline support

Just to let everyone know. TA mobile is almost an offline app now with latest changes deployed yesterday night.

Unfortunately the client app checks for Internet access in the beginning. But if you keep the app open in the beginning, it should fully work when you go out of coverage.

I will be working to give 100% offline access in the near future

Today American Update

We are in a weird alternate reality land where today American itself works wherein the sites to which we link to are slower!!!