the site works. The domain name is the same, you type in
, you go to the mobile site on the iphone and you go to the desktop
site if you are on a computer. This redirection happens automatically.
I have changed the old home page on the desktop & put the new one in,
because I get more people relevant to tech news on the site. I am able
to serve better content to these users, so I changed this.
The idea is very simple - no ads for now, I have seen hit counts go
down when ads are added. I use the site myself & would hate to see
ads. You press the forward arrow to move forward.
If you login, then I make sure you rarely see content you have already
read. I know there was the duplication issue because some tech blogs
duplicate someone else's stories. I have reduced duplication from the
enty side. I tried to reduce duplication from the reader's end, but
because those queries are weird it takes a long time to execute. I am
working on a better fix as we speak. If the solution loads the server
then the site will be slow, so I have to have a fix which minimizes
the database load by not doing long running queries.
It is complicated & technical, but you must get it now - I am working
on it. I want my reader to be the best!!